Disclosure of risk

Please read and accept important safety information before booking a trip


The Client acknowledges and agree:

That the activities offered, including but not limited to canyoning, swimming, walking, sliding, jumping and abseiling/rappelling and the travel to and from and within the activity locations provided by Deep Canyon inherently involve risks which may result in property damage or loss, serious or fatal injury.

That weather, rocks, vegetation, cliffs, rivers, waterfalls, drowning, falling, or equipment failure are an ever-present hazard when canyoning, and travelling to and from and within the activity locations.

The Client will follow all instructions given by Deep Canyon Guides at all times.

The Client has disclosed all relevant medical, physical, and mental conditions prior to Booking.

Deep Canyon reserves the right to withdraw any person who in their opinion is likely to endanger themselves or others. Deep Canyon also reserves the right to cancel any activity if they become concerned for any reason for my safety or that of any other person.

The Client will always follow Deep Canyon’s instructions and use all the safety equipment provided. For the above reasons the Client accepts the inherent and increased dangers and risks associated with the Trip and the accompanying risk of injury, death or property damage or loss.

The Client assumes all risks and release all persons, entities or contractors connected with Deep Canyon from all liability for any injuries, damages, property damage, wrongful death, loss of services, loss of profits, consequential, exemplary, indirect or punitive damages or otherwise and from any claim by the Client, their family, estate, agents or assigns arising in any way from the Client’s participation in all, and any activities connected with Deep Canyon.


Deep Canyon will take all reasonable endeavours to meet all obligations in relation to the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015.

The Client agrees to comply with all health and safety requirements of Deep Canyon throughout the Booking in order to enable Deep Canyon to meet their obligations in relation to the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015.

The Client agrees to take all steps necessary to;

• Ensure their own health and safety; and

• To ensure the health and safety of their servants, agents, attendees or any person on the Trip; and

• Ensure that no action or inaction by themselves or their servants, agents, attendees or any person on the Trip causes harm or risk to the health and safety of any other person.